Kate Matsuda · 12 answers · 2y

Central europe now also suffers from the heat wave after the southwest has been scorched. This office is at 32.3 degrees centigrade and rising. I do cope with this by a strict shoes off, no movement, slow fan speed, moist t-shirt policy. You?

I deal with high temperature every summer (reaching the 40°C easily). Tomorrow, they say it'll be 44°C (Add 2°C more because real temperature is always higher than they say it will be). I'm gonna die. Thank god that I spend most of my day at work and we have a/a there.

It gets up to 40 Celsius very frequently in the summer and fall where I live. I stay in air conditioned indoors (house, stores, cars, etc) or cool down in the pool. I certainly won’t take a walk in that weather … anymore.

I have a fan for those kind of days. It's currently in a bad shape though, needs maintenance, so I'm not quite ready for summer (it's winter)

I’ve got a couple of these - https://amzn.eu/d/al9UtxR - and they are brilliant. So powerful. Rechargeable. Sit anywhere. Not too big to carry around. I sat in a restaurant a couple of weeks ago (at 37C) with it sat on the table. I could see people eyeing it with longing. I only paid £10 for mine though. I notice the price has tripled.

I grew up in the South, where 30 commie degrees and up is common from April through like October so it's something I'm used to, I just try to stay hydrated mostly, I have a cooling towel and a headband as well, but I don't wear them a lot, I'm an indoor cat and I usually only have a few minutes of exposure to Satan's armpit at a time

You shouldn't work in summer time. I just avoid the noon and the rest of the time I embrace the heat.

I read here and there that air conditioning is not very common in Europe. Is it true? I usually turn on the A/C in my apartment when it's hot. I remember last year during a heatwave, the A/C was on for days.

Windows open at night and closed when the sun is up, blinds down, lots to drink, sun cream, limited clothing... does the trick for me. Yesterday was 39 and I had to do a site inspection (so about 15,000 steps). I managed and didn't get sun burnt - though I don't think I've drunk more in a single day than then.

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