Daniel · 14 answers · 3y

Do you think the female orgasm feels almost the same as the male orgasm?

You know if we ever figure out how to transfer a consciousness into someone else's body this is the very first thing that will be tested

I have no clue. I never was a man. I suspect there are differences in feelings because the bodies differ, but that says nothing about the quality or duration of those feelings. Also not all women experience always the same type, intensity, quality or duration of it. So probably also with men? Also I do find there can be body orgasms and mind orgasms and sometimes only one of those, sometimes both. I think that applies to men too. Does it?

I think it can last much longer and feels better. I also asked women, former friends, and was able to compare.

No (also in that post are a bunch of other differences which you might find interesting)

🤦‍♀️women.... 🧘‍♀️they're complex beings.. 🧗‍♀️not better or worse 🙇‍♀️just take a "special"
touch in sometimes multiple areas 👩‍🔧 - 🕵️‍♂️men their climatic stimulus doesn't averagely last as long 🙇‍♂️then considering their vascular system 🕺you realize their body digresses post orgasm 》 https://youtu.be/jzYEmIycjtQ

No. From what I understood in anatomy class men orgasm more intensely, but for shorter durations. Also women have varying sex drives, some can't orgasm at all. Men get aroused pretty easily unless they suffer from ED.

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