Daniel · 17 answers · 3y

Are you afraid of going outside at night?

Depends on where I'm going. Some places are dangerous at night and since I don't like to be knifed I'd rather stay at home. Though I've spent many nights outside with friends in seemingly safe places.

100% I am

Women have been getting attacked in the friggin daytime where I live, can’t imagine what would happen at night

I tend to avoid going out of night - so maybe a little. But really its more due to my caution that any fear.

a bit, not overly so since I live in a decent neighborhood and I have pepper spray.

No. All the others should better think twice when going out at night while I roam the dark. ;)

I mean... more afraid as in broad daylight sure. But not like uncomfortably afraid.

But I was for a long time in my early twenties after me and my whole family had been chased through the city in the dark of winter by two drunk Russians with knives. I was afraid of going out in the dark, had a racing heart when other people walked by, and always had pepper spray in my pocket.

Eh, I’ve been out at night and away from home. Walking for hours. You learn where to avoid trouble.

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