Daniel · 16 answers · 3y

What do you associate with the following words? Bug, moon, digimon, LatinX, dick, impingement, orthogonal, cross

Scarab beetle, cheese, 10 yr old boys, hipster Latino/a, spotted, swimming injuries, math, motocross.

Bug: bite

digimon: digital monsters

LatinX: Hey there fellow ethnic folx

dick: ->

impingement: what's that

orthogonal: quadrature amplitude modulation

cross: chris cross

Insects, NASA, level: rookie, coding math notation (cuz it sounds like LaTeX), pic, hurting shoulder, geometry, Jesus

Caterpillar, handheld game from like 2001, a gender neutral word made up by people who don't understand how the spanish language works? Heh, peepee, tubes, mouth...shapes, necklace

what you plant in your girlfriend's purse when she's out late at night again, what you do when you are bored in the park, what your grandma bought you for Christmas when you really wanted Pokemon, what you start saying when you get that gender studies degree, what you suck when the rent is late, what the government does to your rights, what I had to look up just know because I that word has never been used in my presence before, what our lord and savior Black Jesus died on for you, SINNER

Bug - Something contagious, or a software glitch Moon - A bar here called "Howl at the Moon" Digimon - One of my favorite childhood shows LatinX - a stupid gender neutral term the people it applies to don't actually care to use. Dick - Been almost 6 years since my last one Impingement - That's not a word, or a thing! #AntiSlang Orthogonal - No clue Cross - medieval torture device

Bug: Annoying, Moon: Pweeetty, Digimon: WEDUHCHAMPIONS, LatinX: sounds like a performance enhancing drug in the bedroom, Dick: ...I feel under pressure to say something funny here..........tummy banana, Impingement: I need a massage! Orthogonal: Sensible shapes ma dude, Cross: ....trains :)

Well i got distracted when I saw moon because i was like oh it’s me. Then I got distracted AGAIN when I saw dick-self explanatory, and then I saw cross and I was like shit...sorry Jesus and now here we are :)

pokemon, night sky, cactus with boxing gloves, white liberals, twitter dms, being dumb, russian church, Caesar's Legion

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