Daniel · 15 answers · 3y

Do you sometimes feel Like you are wasting your life?

Yeah, all the time. I wasted years on a failed masters and on a job I wasn't cut out for.

I don't know man... progress is being made... its just the choices that make me think... if its wrong and I learn nothing - its lost time... I struggle between figuring out if there is all of the time in the world or its as short as older people say. COVID has really made me realise the passing of time.

Maybe, but not in a "wasting potential" sort of way. There's not enough potential to waste, but I have felt like it's a waste for me to have this life while someone else dies in the fucking street.

Yeah, but only when I'm not creative and lack energy to do anything. And when I have no energy it isn't wasting life it is refueling. In general I would want to turn the wheel for the better a bit, but each day I see people to turn it backwards again, so we better adapt to the knowledge that human efforts are very limited.

Most people are destined to waste most of their lives because the societal context sucks.

Nah, it's your life and not really a waste if you're doing what you want to be doing, even if that means doing nothing at all

Forever and always. So much lost time spent arguing with strangers on the internet who's minds are already made up and won't be persuadable through insults.

I've wasted several years of my life, I'm so used to it that I don't even care anymore

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