Daniel · 15 answers · 3y

It's monday tomorrow. How does that make you feel?

Monday is today. Because it’s summer, Mondays hit different when I don’t have to be at work.

It wasn't a very good day. I participated in an IDO but unfortunately lost money.

Happy since I'm looking forward to another week starting and all the new things it will bring, but also sad because, you know, work...

If it was Monday tomorrow rn that'd be pretty interesting to me. I'd also feel kind of bad for Tuesday since she's cancelled on such short notice, she never really gets a chance to shine. I wouldn't feel bad for Wednesday being postponed, however. Wednesday is a spoiled brat, and she doesn't know how to act.

OK all I need is an infinite amount of energy to accelerate myself to the speed of light and stop time

It is what it is... but I'm hoping I'll feel better. This vaccine isn't making me feel great.

A couple of duties are waiting for me and I hate duties. But actually the duties in question will be welcome procrastinations .. so, yeah.

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