Sean ⚡🤖 · 16 answers · 4y

How many phone numbers of your friends/family could you dial from memory right now if you were stuck somewhere without your phone and needed to call someone?

My mom and my childhood best friend in 2008. oh and I could call 911 and Alarm Force

I know my parents' home phone, my mom's cell, and my sister's mobile #, that's about it. it'd be enough tho

My home numbers, parents, brother, various work numbers, a few taxi companies. All landlines. I made a conscious decision years ago not to try to remember mobile numbers because people used to change them a lot.

Almost all the phone numbers that I know I memorized before I had a cell phone. My childhood home number, My dad's, two of my aunts', my grandma's.
Shit, I still haven't memorized my sister's number!

Literally just my work phone. I haven't had to memorize anyone's number since landlines were still widely used.

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