Pandy · 14 answers · 3y

Would you be ok if your partner had a dramatic haircut without letting you know? (i.e. long hair to buzz cut, natural to rainbow colours etc.)

I can’t understand why they’d have to let me know. It’s their hair, they can do what they like with it. I’ve gone out and came back with radically different hair a few times. It never crossed my mind to seek someone’s advice/permission.

Not that it would matter, but I'm not even basic enough for long hair to no hair or rainbow colors to be something that disappoints or upsets me. I hope that that someone who knows me would know they aren't dealing with a person they should feel they need to "prepare" for their haircut.

If I would be ok?
Morally speaking, it’s her hair and she can style it to whatever she likes.
Relationshipwise we would need to talk, because there might be aesthetic choices of hers that the relationship wouldn’t survive. And apparently we are not on the same page regarding those.

I'm ok with my partner doing what they want with themselves. But I would mourn good taste and style if the result was abysmal. But I know I have particular ideas about style elements. I'm picky. But everybody has an own taste. I like buzz cuts and blue hair but am less excited about the result of an explosion hair-wise. So, yeah, I'm bad at hiding things. When I cannot agree I'm silent and do not fake consent. But it would not be due to not letting me know, but due to choosing something ugly. If it's ugly.

I mean it's her hair, she doesn't need my permission, I ain't her daddy - we don't get into any of that weird shit

My husband is typically conservative so I’d be really confused. Although ...the first couple of years together he had long hair and at my brother’s wedding he showed up with short hair. I liked it and certainly didn’t mind.

🤣 I mean which head are we talking about here? Jk.... Lmao (inappropriate response but totally valid hypothetical situation)


What a stupid fucking question.

i'd be disappointed but what am I gonna do (more so if they got a buzz cut than if they got rainbow colors)

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