Pandy · 12 answers · 4y

Has COVID 19 impacting your life personally in any way yet? If so, what's happened?

Yes! I've had to cancel my travel plans which I didn't want to do and now I'm working from home indefinitely.

For once I had plans to go out every night this weekend, but I didn't do any of it. Takes a lot less than a pandemic to get me to stay home.

Also, sports gone.

It's just making me more paranoid to take public transit. I'm too nervous to touch anything or be in the proximity of anyone who so much as sniffs.

yes, work shutdown for atleast a week or so.

I'm kinda miffed because I need to be on-site to do things, and we're already behind schedule, but I still welcome the decision.

a bunch of school-related stuff has been canceled/rescheduled. toilet paper is impossible to find in stores

The Indoor Football League just got cancelled, there goes my gridiron fix until NFL preseason.

im reading and talking about it a lot. Besides that im not noticing any difference yet

mostly just my inbox being assaulted now by people who worked from home, and various problems I can't do anything about because one or both of us are at home

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