Daniel · 16 answers · 3y

What is a slut?

According to the dictionary when I first heard the word in 4th grade, it referred to an untidy woman.

A word men call women in an effort to shame them into behaving the way they want them to behave.

A very licentious girl. Not that I ever use the word slut, I'm not a slut shamer.

It is a word, a slur, an insult. It means the person called that way is regarded as naughty and unacceptably sexually active. Some take it as a reward though.

A mix between Alice Schwarzer, Paris Hilton and a true nympho who doesn't feel any kind of remorse.

A sexist insult that people uses to define a woman who does what men have been doing all the time. Having sex with different people with no strings attached.

❣"SweetLittleUnforgetableThing"- 💋A woman who LOVES love 💌when others consider her immodest when she openly explores her sexuality whether it's with men, woman or someone nonbinary

Someone who loves the cock for the cock, as opposed to a whore, for whom the cock is a means to an end. It is possible to be both though, hope this helps

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