Daniel · 16 answers · 3y

Do you think it's ok if men get a hair transplant against their baldness?

Yes. If they can afford it - and stand the pain. I saw a man getting it done once. It took EIGHT HOURS. Eight hours of getting holes punched in his scalp, with blood trickling down his face. It wasn’t pretty.

It's fair game, tough I can imagine barely anyone can afford such a procedure.
Personally I'd shave it bald if it's that terrible and go for the power donut when old enough.

Yes, whatever helps aid in their self confidence. It's really no different from women who get cosmetic surgery.

NO all cosmetic procedures must be BANNED immediately, you shouldn't even be allowed to run the brush through your hair more than like 5 times... 6 times? Get over yourself princess SMH

Can I be honest? Hair naturally falls off. Best coarse of action would be a weave. It's less invasive and results seem natural. Men should feel comfortable doing whatever they must to fully embrace who they are I'm the long run >https://youtu.be/_p8vVTc-QGo

Whatever, it's your journey. It's also ok to shave your head and get a lacefront, don't glue it down, and cartwheel it off intentionally in public.

I'm fine with it, only point of contention is I think its worth telling your partner about it (same with other cosmetic surgeries).

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