Daniel · 15 answers · 3y

Is it dangerous to walk through a herd of cows?

I keep reading this as "crows" because that's where my head is at. But I don't know. I've never walked through cattle, I've only shouted "I LOVE YOU!" to them from the other side of barbed wire fences.

Depends. Are you in the mood to be stampeded? Probably not a good idea, especially if you have wee ones (calves) in the herd.

I don't believe so, unless you are threatening to them or they are already in an agitated state.

No. Cows are really nosey; they’ll come over to you but they won’t touch you. Just don’t start running. That’s when people get hurt. They run, the cows run after them, they fall, the cows run over them.

They never attacked me. Some are nosy and touched me with their noses, but nothing bullying.

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