Daniel · 19 answers · 3y

Would you sell your pee if you could earn 10000€ per month this way?

Sure it's not like I'm doing anything with it - just as long as it's not being made into a bio-weapon or any shit like that

Yeah, sure beats trying to drink it all to get rid of it, which is a thing I assume everyone does and has been doing this entire time.

I'd feel weird about it, but I need the money. I wouldn't if my name was attached, but if it was just anonymous gamer girl pee I'd probably do it.

I'd be naturally suspicious as to why they'd pay for it, I've come to learn easy money is bad in the long run so I wouldn't

I have to know exactly what they are doing with it and IF I am okay with it, I am going to sell that applejuice indeed.

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