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· 23 answers · 11mo

Hey-ho! Mind telling me your top 3 desserts? ^~^ (mine are softcakes, macaroons, and chocolate pudding!) 🫧

Yang pertama adalah kue coklat! Dibandingkan kue yang lain, aku suka banget sama kue coklat. Terus aku juga suka sama es krim, dan yang terakhir itu crepes! ‹𝟹

Crème Brûlée, blueberry cheesecake, cookies and cream ice cream. I made it specific into the flavour for each of it since only some particular flavour that I like too in them.

I’m definitely live for tiramisu cake, also donuts with fillings (vanilla is the best choice) and ice cream!

ini jawabnya telat banget ngga yaaa... aku lagi suka sama cokelat, cheesecake, sama es krim :3

My top 3 desserts are cheesecake, tiramisu, and crème brûlée. What's your favorite thing about softcakes, macaroons, and chocolate pudding, Tiby?

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