Daniel · 17 answers · 3y

Do you care about the royals?

Royal weddings and such would be much more interesting and entertaining if they where still a device to forge international alliances and intrigues.

no idk wtf is happening with them rn and i think you'd have to pay me to care

I wish they weren't a thing. Oligarchy's are bad enough without humoring these notions of "my bloodline was ordained BY GOD!"

In general? Not that much. I just sometimes think that we could've had a very much better life if Iranians didn't start a revolution to overthrow the Pahlavi dynasty.

Only in the fact that we (the British public) pay them an absolute fortune so they can live in unimaginable splendour while pretending to be interested in us for a couple of hours a week, and they can’t even do that without arsing it up and publicly whining about it. When the queen dies the monarchy in this country should die with her.

I do. Not to the point I'm a royalist - but they are a worthwhile cultural investment in the UK and a key part of the British Identity and values. They are a bit dated and at worse potentially toxic (which is a concern). The main benefit is a truly separated authority (the queen) signing off regulations into royal ascent.

No, I care more about the Kansas City Royals and that song Lorde sang, that shit was catchy AF

Yeah, simping for King Ghidorah like, no don't annihilate humanity with your gravity beams your so sexy aha

What royals? Assuming you mean very intelligent and superior people, like Nicolas Maduro, I do care.

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