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Daniel · 15 answers · 8mo

Would you be a good dictator?

No. I have way too much empathy to be a good dictator. I am in a leadership position in this organization I'm a part of, however, and I think I'm a pretty good leader. The key to that is listening to others' comments and questions, and deciding which are the most valuable, and using the people on your team to help you. Dictators rarely listen to the advice of their advisors, even when they really need it, and that's the major difference; most dictators are narcissists, I would imagine.

I'd be an excellent dictator ... for a short while. Then it will start to corrupt my soul. I could not handle causing pain and be unjust which is inevitable when your soul gets corrupt.

No, I'd probably deport 100% of the population. Which would make some governments angry, especially those on the northern half.

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