Arman · 15 answers · 3y

Tell me about cheek kissing etiquette in your culture!

It’s not really a thing here. I might do it if I know the person but usually it’s either a hug, or an awkward smile and a tiny wave, while saying hello like a cartoon character.

It’s reserved for family and very close friends, either to greet them or saying goodbye. Used mostly by middle class and higher in “proper” Mexican families. It’s seen as a bit bougie. I have family and friends that do it, and those that prefer a hug. I don’t mind. I adapt wherever I go. You wanna fist bump instead? Cool— I’m game.

It's a thing your (not mine) aunty does occasionally maybe, in the US. Otherwise, it's not really a thing. The only person who has ever kissed my cheeks to greet me or say goodbye is from Wales, and I was SHOCKED by it, but it was because his beard was like razors.

In latin america it is just how we greet those of the opposite sex. Now we all just elbow bump because, ya know, coivd.

Well its only something the upper classes do - as a European fancy. But its 2 kisses, often given to the air.

Doesn't really exist. Sure it can happen when two parties are really familiar with each other but there is no etiquette.

It doesn't exist. I always think of Europeans or Latin Americans when I think of people who greet each other by kissing cheeks.

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